Mecha Turtle

Mecha Turtle is the latest canvas from Infected By Design, created using a base layer of two shades of  green Montana spray paint and teched-up with black and green Posca paint pens.


” I’ve been working on this one for a while as a little side project to go back to when taking breaks from my other work.  Not long ago, I was going through a green and black phase and I liked how they looked so I wanted to do another.

I often work on a few different things at once, as sometimes they can take a while to complete with all the techery involved!   Having just started working on a series of ‘digital pigeons’ with Lowdown, a totally new vibe, I felt the urge to get up to my old tricks and go sic with mad lines and protruding shards!

This piece is available to buy if you like it.  Currently hung in our NWBaseline gallery in Blackpool. get in touch if you wish to purchase.”

[email protected]MechaTurtle