‘Fruits of the Feminine’, on the 16th of October at Korova Cafe, Preston, is the first in a trilogy of events concentrating on gender equality and not exclusively from a feminist perspective but also seeking to recognize aspects of inbalance and unfairness in the masculine and trans-gender experience in modern day society and this will be the focal point of the following two exhibitions taking place in the next few months, whereas ‘Fruits of the Feminine’ as the title suggests will be to do with primeraly feminist ideas.
The exhibition has been organized by artists local to Preston, specifically the highly talented Katie Ryan whom you may have heard of for her music, and who’s idea the exhibition was originally. There has been no funding to help us set up the exhibition, and it is a non-profit event so entry is free.
It will not simply be an exhibition of images however as the work featuring will range from live performance (poetry, theatre, dance and music) as well as a series of films and the other pieces being displayed, all themed around the idea of gender equality but the content and style of the art and performances varies wildly.
The opening night will be an opportunity to discuss the work on show with the artists and witness some amazing live performances but the exhibition pieces will remain on display for a month.
For further information about the event including opening times and schedule for the evenings performances and films etc. visit the Fruits of the Feminine Facebook page @ https://www.facebook.com/events/1561111864112703/?fref=ts
Above are just a few of the many artworks that will be displayed, the works are amazing.
This is a preview of our good friend OneFiveEigh contributer Carl Brown’s work, also for the exhibition.
Article by Benjamin Rivers Fletcher