Before I knew what track I was going to receive for my insert into OneFiveEight’s expo:3, I was lucky enough to have a listen to all of the audio entries. I got lost in a world of my own, listening to each of the entries with a deep meditative concentration. After listening to them all I knew I’d be happy creating a piece of work for all of the tunes, however, I only needed one. I plunged my hand into the ‘I’m Great’ Mug that we used as a hat, and pulled out Cutterz tune ‘Koh’. I was over the moon as I remembered the tune from the first time I listened to it. The first few times I listened to it, I Imagined falling through space amongst rain and 3D geometric shapes. I set out drawing plans on what I had in mind. The more I drew the more I realised that this wasnt right, although I was fulfilling the concept of the expo I couldn’t see the track in the image. So I started again.
I listened to the track many more times and with my past failed attempt to create a visual response that I though translated well enough to the track, I saw something different and more obvious, the image in my head was so vivid. All I could see was a well dressed woman and man falling though space. I set out to draw it again as I saw it in my head. Hopefully this time I would be more succesful that my previous attempt. I imagined falling through the air listening to the piece and thought what might have been going though my had if I was literally falling quickly to the ground.
I decided to draw the piece with dots becuase i really love the effect it gives. I didnt quite realise how long it would take to fill an A1 Piece of paper full of dots. A long time. I did really enjoy drawing this though and I’m Happy with the result. here are some pictures i took during the process of drawing.
Thank you so much for all of the feedback at the exhibition and ever since.
Thanks for looking